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11 Fans
Khairat Alquds

Khairat Alquds


Abdullah Ghosheh St. Near Jaber Complex - Dahiet Al-Ameer Rashed



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

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Where can I buy coffee pods?

What brand are you looking for? You can find offers @Khairat Alquds

Where can I buy "Popcornopolis Takis" Hot Chili Pepper & Lime?

I saw them @Khairat Alquds for 8.50 JD. They are super hot and I love the popcorn one more than the normal, I suggest you visit this place, they have all types of abroad snacks and chips

Where can I find "The Pink Stuff" cleaning paste. I heard that this stuff is amazing?

I crossed by this amazing shop that sells stuff from America or other countries, they have a huge variety of cleaning material and foods that you won't find in Amman. They have offers the entire time. Check this place out @Khairat Alquds

Where can I find chex mix chips?

@Khairat Alquds they have an offer on them right now

Where can I hangout during a snow day?

check @Caffè Strada they have matcha your japano favourite beverage ٩( ^ᴗ^ )۶ Or you can invite friends home but first you can go to @Asia Market and buy matcha 0.5 kg for 9 JOD 'didn't like the raw taste' For a creamier alternative visit @Khairat Alquds Alquds i recently went there and checked but they sell almond milk 1 lt for 1.25 JOD which will last for a month 'considering you could be lacto-intolrent', hope this helps
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