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46 Fans
Jack's Men's Gift Shop

Jack's Men's Gift Shop


Bldg. #64 Ali Sido Kurdi St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I buy Cuban cigars?

@Jack's Men's Gift Shop have an entire collection and humidifiers if you are looking to buy one too. They have cutters and other accessories as well

Where can I find a folding credit card knife?

@Jack's Men's Gift Shop has them, I am not sure if you will be satisfied with the quality but its better if you check it out for yourself

Where can I buy Bob Marley hats?

Hey there Ahmad! I once bought one from @Jack's Men's Gift Shop a couple of years ago, dont know if they still carry them though. You can probably find them at places where they sell costumes and gift shops

Where can I find printed shot glasses?

You could try gift stores like @Jack's Men's Gift Shop maybe they have some.

Where can I buy a special gift for my husband for his birthday?

Go to @M E Multi-Experience Living for cool home gifts to get him, @Gizmoz for fun gadgets and other cool things and finally go to @Jack's Men's Gift Shop for desk accessories, chess boards and other funky items for your man. Good luck!
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