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7 Fans
Foot Locker

Foot Locker

3 Stars


Level 2, The Dubai Mall - Downtown Dubai



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.

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Where can I find Under Armour?

Unfortunately there is no under armour shop in Dubai but they did recently open one in Abu Dhabi. But I believe you can find some of their stuff @Sun and Sand Sports and @Foot Locker

Where can I buy thermal tops or long sleeve body tops?

Tops for working out (Thermal tops) also work great for undershirts check out @Nike & @Foot Locker also @Sun and Sand Sports

Where can I find a sports shop?

If you are looking for sports wear then there are the big ones like @Adidas , @Nike , @Reebok @Foot Locker , @Go Sport , @Columbia but if you are looking for a sports shop that has more sports equipment then you should go to @Intersport or @Adventure HQ

Where can I find cheap lebron shoes?

If you want them cheap you are going to have to hit up websites for sure like @SOUQ.com I am also sure you can find some nice rip off ones but I would say wait for a sale and hit up @Foot Locker or @Nike sometimes the real deal is worth the cost
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