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169 Fans
Fitness First Gym

Fitness First Gym

3 Stars - 13 Votes


Saed Abdo Shamout St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I do weightlifting with great trainer as a girl?

if you want the best trainers go to either @Trainers Gym or @Fitness First Gym

Where can I find a good CrossFit Box?

There are some gyms that offer crossfit style workouts like @Fitness One Vega Vega or @Fitness First Gym as well as @Trainers Gym but I have a friend who goes to @CrossFit QuickSand and swears by it

Where can I find a gym with pool and good prices?

@Fitness First Gym has a pool, great location in Abdoun but I am not sure what you'll think about the price

Where can I find a gym that has a personal trainer "Women's only gym"?

@Fitness First Gym shmaisani branch i think they have an only women section something like that u can check with them

Where can I find a gym near al kursi?

You can go to @One II One Gym in Dabouq or @Fitness First Gym in Mecca Mall

Where can I find a gym for ladies in (Abdoun/Mecca street/7th circle)?

@Flex Eve Fitness Center @Fitness One Vega @Fitness First Gym are around those areas!
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