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Where can I buy Harry Potter robe?

@Dumyah if you're looking for ones for kids

Where can I buy MCT oil?

@Dumyah might have similar coconut oil items

Where can I buy a white noise machine?

I came across a machine on @Dumyah's website that is described as "baby's first white noise machine." It sells for 25 JD and has 4 other calming sounds

Where can I find Sanrio products (I don’t only want hello kitty products)?

That might be a bit hard to find to be honest, I only found that @Dumyah has a lot of Hello Kitty stuff

Where can I find shea butter?

@Dumyah sells skin deep shea butter for around 18 JD

Where can I get a pregnancy pillow?

@Dumyah seems to have some cool big maternity pillows

Where can I find video baby monitors?

@Dumyah https://www.dumyah.com/product/search&search=baby%20monitor

Where can I find a humidifier?

@Dumyah usually has several types of humidifiers for sale on their website :)

Where can I find banana boat aloe Vera gel?

You can find banana boat aloe vera gel at @Dumyah for 10.60 JD
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