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Where can I find pine cones for sale (for decorations)?

Check @Dumyah they have it in a red colour and it costs 3 JD

Where can I buy cheap christmas stockings?

@Dumyah it's an online store, their stockings cost 5 JD

Where can I buy a onesie for kids and adults?

@Dumyah has plenty of cute options for toddlers!

Where can I find creatively designed, intuitive, modern paper notebooks?

@Dumyah has some nice notebooks and @Hamleys or any other book shop

Where can I find nursing cover?

@Dumyah.com HQ they sell it for 18 JDs

Where can I find Folding Playpen Divider or a safety stair gate?

@Dumyah.com HQ they have ones that are separated, so I guess you have to put them together

Where can I find the Fisher price rainforest jumperoo?

You can find them online "Mumzworld" ! Now they deliver to Jordan, and they cost 163 JOD

Where can I find maternity clothes?

you can buy maternity clothes from @Dumyah
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