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Where can I find wall tapestries?

@Jordan River Foundation Showroom they have them or you can look around @Downtown am sure you'll find cheaper ones

Where can I find a Power Rangers backpack?

I saw them @Downtown you know the cheap, small ones on the streets

Where can I find red shma3' pattern womens vest?

You can find some for cheap at many old shops @Downtown

Where can I find oriental and fancy Arabic coffee pot and cups?

@Dimlaj Gallery has great ones also @Downtown if you look around

Where can I buy traditional Jordanian handicraft products for reasonable prices?

@Downtown you will find cheap and affordable traditional Jordanian handicraft products.

Where can I find an area concentrated with PokeStops?

you can find them everywhere @Downtown also in Abdoun there are lots of stops there

Where can I buy or get old wood or old furniture that can be reused?

@OpenSooq you can also try looking around @Downtown you'll find some places there

Where can I buy affordable school supplies?

@Downtown yet @Sameh Mall always has some good deals on school supplies

Where can I find decoratives umbrellas like the ones hanged in Downtown and some Cafes?

If you want them for decoration you'll have to go somewhere will a low price like @Downtown, look for them at small shops there, you can even ask around between shop owners they will guide you

Where can I find information about gold prices "I want to buy an 18K bracelet. If the jeweller says the price of gold is 27 dinar today per gram, is that what I will have to pay?

there are gold shops in @Downtown and @Wust Al Balad the jeweller will weigh the bracket (by grams) and multiply its weight with 27. make sure to bargain for a better price

Where can I go to buy Jordanian handicrafts for gifts?

@Afghani is a good option also if you can go @Downtown lots of shops sell traditional jordanian stuff
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