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Where can I find boys' national costume?

You can find some @Downtown or @T.Q. Kidz she can make a costum for you little loved one

Where can I find really cheap canvas?

If you want the Canvas as only fabric by meter you will find it @Downtown in Tiliani street. Allot of fabric shops that sell by kilo.

Where can I buy scary costumes?

not that much .. if you want real scary ones order from @Cash Basha or some places in @Downtown

Where can I have a memorable night?

This weekend the weather is just great you should go to @Dead Sea Spa Hotel, or if you want take a friend and go for a walk @Downtown or Rainbow street ... if you can go to @Climbat they open till 8 and i always remember my first time climbing the wall its was just great... Yet, to me memories are often about the people am with, you can just take your bff and go out to have fun.

Where can I trade old books with new ones?

@Downtown near zorba resturant there is small bookshop ( if you finished a book you can trade it for 1 jd)

Where can I buy traditional things?

@Downtown you can find a lot of traditional shops for souvenirs and clothes, its way cheaper than any other place
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