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Where can I get army trousers?

@Zara they have new collection army theme @Downtown you can find more than store there

Where can I find old books?

@Downtown - u'll find small huts when walking around in Balad that sell/rent used books. Or look for facebook pages/groups dedicated for that.

Where can I find traditional handicrafts?

@Downtown Amman has loads of shops that sell traditional handicrafts.

Where can I find fluffy ear muffs?

@Downtown in the street. In stores.Everywhere

Where can I find fake gold chains?

You would probably find them in one of the street shops in @Downtown

Where can I find a Messi soccer outfit for a cheap price?

You'll definitely find it at @Adidas but if you want something for cheap you might wanna check the stores in @Downtown

Where can I buy classic board games (1990-2000)?

Try @Downtown you'll find some nice old ones there in the old book shops

Where can I find a white Blackerry Torch 9810 for sale?

@Downtown there are few shops that sells old used mobiles

Where can I find rocks for outdoor decoration?

@Downtown near Jafra I wish I remember the name of the place but you'll see dreamcatchers on the door of the place
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