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103 Fans
Doculand Center

Doculand Center

3 Stars


Complex #36, Arar St. - Wadi Saqra



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy fluorescent posters?

Honestly not sure if they're operating during quarantine, but you could try reaching out to @Doculand Center , printing is their forte. Just customize your own design or send them what you want printed.

Where can I find a place that can customize stickers?

@Doculand Center They have a designer that will help you if you need or just want to get it printed they can do that also!

Where can I find a pink floyd poster?

You can try printing it on your own if you couldn't find it. @Doculand Center is a great place to print posters and stickers!

Where can I buy a cool photo of city lights?

check out Unsplash.com or Pexels.com, they have amazing high def pictures, you can get one printed out @Doculand Center in whatever size you want, and put in a frame.

Where can I find a gift shop that sells Central Park coffee mug (from Friends)?

You can get it custom made for you at any shops that print onto stuff, that includes @Doculand Center , @Ingrave-it , or @Mlabbas

Where can I find luggage tags?

You can find cute stickers @TXON Stores and you can write your name and so. Or if you have a certain deisgn in mind get them done @Doculand Center or @Fast Print
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