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DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall

DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall


Abdali Mall

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Where can I buy a record player?

@DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall Pro-Ject: Debut Carbon EVO (2M Red) - Satin Black - 400 JD

Where can I buy an excellent quality of water bottle?

for something with a high quality to keep the temperature; @DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall has lots of water bottles for kids and adults, a bit pricy but very high quality

Where can I buy instax mini Link?

you can find them @DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall for 144 JD, and they come in many colors

Where can I find good Airpods 3 covers?

I got a super cute soft touch silicon cover for 10 jds from @DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall it's also really durable and comes with a nice metal link so you minimize the chance of your Airpods getting lost

Where can I order a specific book?

You can call @Readers or @DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall and ask them to order a book for you. It may take some time because shipping takes a while.

Where can I buy goggles for kids?

Since it's summer and pool season, you'll actually be able to find some in @DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall

Where can I find a zippo lighter?

you can find them @DNA Life Style - Abdali Mall starting from 22 JD to 55 JD
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