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29 Fans
Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic

Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic


Mustafa Khalifah St. Bldg. #17, Near Farah Hospital - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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Where can I buy arabic /english manga (anime)?

My favorite place is @Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic, they're so clean and professional

Where can I find the best place (doctor) for nose fillers?

Check @Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic it is managed by one of the best doctours for such things Farida Tannous, she is very well knows and experienced

Where can I get a facial with someone who actually understands skin types and for how much?

@Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic they are the best, take an appointment with Dr. Farida Tannous. As per the cost, they are a bit expensive but they quarantee you great results. The cost depends on your condition

Where can I find a solution for hyperpigmentation?

@Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic you can book a session with Dr. Farida Tannous and let her examine your hyperpigmentation and advice which approperiate medicine or solution to take. Not every medicine is suitable for everyone, it depends on your skin.

Where can I find the best dermatologist for acne treatment?

@Dermacare and @Solace Skin Care are clinics that offer good dermatologists.
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