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16 Fans
Decoration One

Decoration One


Bldg # 4, Mohammad Hamaani St. - Wadi Saqra



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I buy home made accessory?

Check @Decoration One you can find some cool pieces there

Where can I find Ramadan decorations?

@Decoration One they have the coffee (qakwa sada) cups, tea cups, house and door decorations and accessories

Where can I find house items?

what exactly are you searching for? I will give you a place that sells home accessories, check out @Decoration One dinnerware, serveware, furniture, ornaments, candles, textiles and much more

Where can I find house decoration?

I really love @Decoration One they are a bit expensive but with high quality. check out their website to know more

Where can I buy Arabian style metal lanterns?

@Decoration One is specialized in Arabian style art for homes

Where can I get PVC/plastic table mats or placemats?

@Decoration One Plastic - wit grey calligraphy - very beautiful. Check out their website

Where can I find the leather trays that are used for corporate gifts?

@Decoration One they have Leather base tray with walnut wood rim. But call them and check if they are open or not
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