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600 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy individual lashes?

@Cozmo saw some there yesterday, hope this helps!

Where can I find marmite?

you can find it in @Cozmo in the 7th circle

Where can I get fun Easter Candy?

@Cozmo in 7th circle always has the best holiday candy! They have a wide range of price points and quality as well!

Where can I buy organic chicken?

@Cozmo sell it frozen for 3.99 a kilo

Where can I buy gnocchi?

Definitely @Carrefour

Where can I buy tapioca starch?

if you want it to make tapioca pearls, you can skip making them and buy them ready made from @Cozmo

Where can I buy quiche?

you can find them @Family Basket or @Cozmo they are called Simply Quiche

Where can I find Earl Grey Flora - Black Tea Blend?

If you wish to buy some, you will find the tea in @Cozmo

Where can I find Valentine's Day offers other than food?

@Cozmo Valentine’s Day is around the corner! .Enjoy 25% OFF on all Emile Henry items! .Offer valid till February 14th.

Where can I find Monin Blue Curacao Syrup?

@Cozmo has a great deal of uncommon, specialty items! alternatively there is @David Liquor for cocktail dressers

Where can I find Moringa tea?

@Cozmo has it! They sell it under a bunch of different brands, I would go with Ahmad Tea if you want tea bags but they do sell it in powder form as well.

Where can I find Celestial Seasonings- Honey vanilla chamomile?

you should be able to find them virtually anywhere; but if you want a sure bet, you can go to @Safeway @Cozmo or @C-Town
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