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600 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find gluten free phyllo dough?

@Cozmo has the Al Sunbulah Fillo Pastry Leaves but it is not gluten free

Where can I buy the drink prime?

You can find it @Centro Stores , @Cozmo , @Safeway and @Pit Stop Supermarket

Where can I buy turkey bacon?

@Cozmo and @The Meat Master

Where can I find betty crocker blueberry cupcake mix?

You can find it in @Cozmo and @Safeway As well as many flavors too!

Where can I find the best fish butcher?

@Cozmo has a butchery section that does: Poultry. Chicken · Turkey · Duck, Quail & Birds ; Meat. Lamb · Beef · Veal ; Seafood. Fish · Shrimp · Shellfish.

Where can I buy black or white truffle mushroom?

@Cozmo has a range of speciality food and grocery requirements.

Where can I find cheese nuggets & crisscuts?

If you mean frozen ones to cook at home, i always get mine from @Cozmo

Where can I find Udon Noodles to cook at home?

And @Cozmo has a good range of specialty noodles

Where can I find jasmine tea?

If you mean to buy some for you house you could easily find it @Cozmo or @Safeway , if you want to grab a drink at a coffee house you can find it @Dimitri's Coffee or @Caffè Strada , @Roasters Coffee

Where can I find an app or website that offers delivery from cozmo?

@Cozmo has an online app that you can order from and they can deliver. This is the app: https://cozmo.jo/?SID=98qjusp05fem405vfs88n2a4bc

Where can I find cat (Reflex) treats?

@Cozmo has every pet treat type your cat can dream of
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