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4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy Kimchi?

You can find some in like a pickled jar in a supermarket like @Cozmo or @Carrefour

Where can I find lipton iced tea DIET cans?

@lipton make a diet iced tea mix, you can find some @Cozmo

Where can I find vitamin c tablets?

You should be able to find some in regular convenience stores too, like @Cozmo

Where can I find psyllium fiber?

@Cozmo used to have it. cozmo.jo/bobs-red-mill-psy. You can let them know if they re stock it

Where can I find birthday hats and whistles?

while you can go to a party utility store, you'll also be able to save time and just go to the closest @Cozmo or @C-Town and find a party supplies section!

Where can I get a machine stretch film roll?

If you mean like normal cling film then you can find that at any supermarket, i would suggest @Cozmo

Where can I find coconut oil?

@Cozmo Spectrum Organic Refined Coconut Oil 414ml. JOD11.30 ; Spectrum Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil 414ml. JOD12.95 ; Spectrum Org Coconut Oil SHC (443g). JOD10.

Where can I find Schweppes?

i know @Cozmo carry the ginger ale flavor

Where can I find goat’s milk?

You should be about to find some at @Cozmo
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