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600 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I places that are open after midnight?

@Zaatar W Zeit @Ward & Kabab Restaurant @Shai W Na3na3 @Saj Haritna

Where can I find recycling places (for paper, plastic and trash)?

@Cozmo - 7th Circle has started this wonderful go green initiative and you can take your trash (already separated and bagged) to their parking lot. I hope this helps !

Where can I buy a round brush?

you will find them @Cozmo but i recommend @Sharmiran they have good quality hair equipment

Where can I get a cheese platter made?

@Cozmo @Marche Gourmet Stores both make awesome cheese platters.

Where can I find peppermint extract?

most supermarkets sells them, try @Safeway @Cozmo @Virgin Megastore @Ctown

Where can I find Gatorade?

@Cozmo but you can only buy individual ones not like a pack. Check out @American Products Center maybe they will sell in bulk

Where can I buy kefir?

CLOVER Kefir fresh from California can be found in: @Cozmo @Miles or @Centro Stores
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