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4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy fresh milk?

You can get it @Cozmo or @Virgin Megastore the brand is Almarai

Where can I find a good cake decoration supplier?

Large supermarkets such as @Cozmo or @Yaser Mall have cake decorating material, might be a bit too basic for you if you are looking to do it professionally but if you want them for home use and DIY projects you should find what you are looking for, no problem.

Where can I buy colored toilet paper?

I've seen dollar bills toilet paper @Gizmoz and I've seen Halloween ones @Cozmo but not sure if they have others in plain colors

Where can I find wasabi sauce?

@Cozmo carries wasabi powder and wasabi teriyaki sauce

Where can I find flavored Ahmad Tea?

@Dukkan , @Miles and @Cozmo the one in seventh circle

Where can I find popcorn seasoning?

I got cheese flavored one @Cozmo , there were other flavors like garlic and mild chedar. Not sure what the brand was called but ive purchased it quite recently so you'll find it for sure.

Where can I find cool cookie cutters?

at all supermarkets and home stores @Safeway @Ctown @Cozmo @IKEA

Where can I find pizza crust?

You can buy deep dish pizza crust from @Cozmo , its medium sized though. Haven't seen any in large or small sizes

Where can I find Rimmel London "Match Perfection" in Amman?

@Cozmo has it in their cosmetics section, so does @Vavavoom

Where can I buy apple cider mix?

@Safeway @Miles @Cozmo @Virgin Megastore
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