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4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find a place that sells healthy foods other than the one in Mecca Mall?

@Cozmo has a section for organic food, gluten free products and things specific to allergies

Where can I buy a nice indoor plant?

@Cozmo has a cute variety of plants, colorful and very exotic looking ones as well.

Where can I buy pure aloe vera juice?

you mean other than the ones @Cozmo ? coz am not sure what you mean by pure!!

Where can I find a supermarket that sells Lotus biscuits?

ahhh the so delicious and expensive :) I found it in @Cozmo and at @Amman Mall

Where can I find 100% high quality dark chocolate?

from @Cozmo you can find Lindt 100% dark chocolate

Where can I buy cadbury creme eggs?

@Miles , @Cozmo and @Habiba Stores

Where can I buy witch hazel and is there a different name for it here?

@Cozmo has an expansive section for products. you could probably spot it there

Where can I find a market that sells many types of dark chocolate?

@Miles or @Cozmo they have a variety of brands for dark chocolate bars

Where can I find ghee butter?

You mean the regular one? You can buy Ghee at any large supermarket such as @Safeway ,@Cozmo and @Plaza Superstore

Where can I buy barbecue?

do you mean barbecue sauce ?? if yes you can find it @Virgin Megastore @Cozmo

Where can I find borax powder, and is it called something else?

Oxi Clean stains removal you can find it @Virgin Megastore and @Cozmo
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