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599 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find Nespresso?

@Select Foods Shoppe or @Cozmo

Where can I find veggie ranch dip?

you can find ranch dressing at most supermarkets like @Cozmo or @Safeway , it can be used as a dip or a salad dressing

Where can I buy Al Marai lactose free milk?

You can find Lactose free milk @Cozmo but not Al Marai , they used to sell it then they stopped

Where can I find pistachio spread?

I personally like @Fresh Nut products, their pistachio spread is so good and there is also @Peanut Better there pistachio spread is good and light. Both are healthy and homemade which is a plus but if you are looking for pistachio spread that is sold at supermarkets then you can find them @Prime Fresh Food or @Cozmo

Where can I buy last minute Iftar meals?

You can go to @Cozmo they are selling Sushi from @Live Sushi and they have a @Deeritna booth where you can also buy a couple of dishes

Where can I find cherry/vanilla coke?

You can find the Vanilla one for sure @Cozmo but I am not sure about the Cherry coke
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