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599 Fans


4 Stars - 8 Votes


7th Circle, Issa Al Naouri St.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy Thai cooking ingredients?

@Cozmo has an oriental cuisine section that includes Thai ingredients

Where can I buy a large sized chocolate Easter bunny?

I think you might find @Safeway or @Cozmo Easter chocolate they usually have large sized bunnies and easter eggs

Where can I buy sweet potatoes?

They sell them at most grocery stores your best bet to find them is @Cozmo

Where can I get berries fresh or frozen?

@Cozmo they usually have them frozen but it depends on the season

Where can I find perrier water?

@Safeway @Miles @Centro Stores @Cozmo

Where can I find marmite and soy yogurt?

You can find soy yogurt @Cozmo among the vegan foods and diary.

Where can I find Tops Chocolate?

You can find their chocolate @Cozmo or @Miles if you're looking for their diabetic chocolate you can find it in almost all pharmacies in Amman

Where can I find castor oil?

@Cozmo @بزورية كباتيلو ، Bzuriyeh Kabatilo @Izhiman Coffee Mill @Al Hen For Herbalists Est. @Pharmacy1

Where can I buy Moringa powder and Flax seeds?

You can find flax seed at any grocery store such as @Cozmo
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