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171 Fans


4 Stars - 5 Votes


Market Level, Taj Mall - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find reasonable priced rash guards?

Well reasonable priced is hard because it is not like they sell these everywhere in Amman but you can find some @Champions

Where can I buy bags for traveling (I need a special one)?

So what do you mean by special one? That to me could be anything from a special design to efficiency to cost I have no idea what you mean…also by bags for traveling to you mean luggage or something else? I am going to go with luggage and say you can get some @Champions also @Abdeen Grand Stores they have a lot of options

Where can I buy sport supplies?

@Sport Land @Adidas@Champions so many options

Where can I buy vans products?

@Champions has vans shoes...not sure what other products you want?

Where can I buy vans shoes and toms other than champions?

There is vans off the wall shop on abdoun circle @Champions

Where can I find anime big posters or a place that makes wallpapers?

@Champions at Taj mall sells a good collection of all things posters, so check them out. However, if you get your own design of a wallpaper & you wanna print it out you gotta go to @Custom Made Gift Shop
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