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171 Fans


4 Stars - 5 Votes


Market Level, Taj Mall - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find a running store?

@Nike , @Champions , and @Go Sport have good running gear

Where can I find the best sports store?

@Champions - You can find a lot of equipment that might be interested :)

Where can I find a good sport bag?

Good question, if I were you id go to taj mall...check out the bags in @Champions and after that go up to @Go Sport and see which you like better

Where can I find band merch?

You can find some band merch @Champions but its more like posters and buttons. You won't find a huge selection mind you.

Where can I find DC shoes gear?

@Champions They have a shop in Taj Mall and one in Abdoun, they sell them brand new and original but a bit over-priced.

Where can I buy Timberlands?

@Champions They have a store in on Abdoun circle and in Taj Mall

Where can I buy nice gloves?

@Champions has a wide variety of clothing and I'm sure you'll be able to find gloves for men and women there. You can also find some in @Claire's if you're looking exclusively for women's gloves.
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