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Cash Basha

Cash Basha


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Where can I find invisible ink pens?

you can order it from @Cash Basha the prices start from 4 $

Where can I find CeraVe products?

You won’t find it in Jordan but you can check @Cash Basha and the prices differ from cream to cleanser and other stuff

Where can I find snow ball with high quality?

Do you mean the mic? Then you won't find it in Amman, you should try @Cash Basha it's between 30-80$

Where can I find a hoverboard?

I'd order mine in if I were you from @Tech Town or @Cash Basha, you can save a lot of money instead of buying them from stores in Amman

Where can I buy V-MODA Crossfade M-100?

It's a bit difficult to find them in a store in Amman; try ordering them online through Amazon and then have @Cash Basha deliver it for you to your doorsteps. this is a link to what you need https://goo.gl/D9WaWF

Where can I buy a blue snowball microphone?

You might not find it in Amman so it's much easier to just order it via @Cash Basha it costs 30-80 $

Where can I buy scholl gel active spot?

if you couldn't find it anywhere, you can order it through @Cash Basha . It costs between $16 and $22

Where can I find headphones amplifiers?

you can order them through @Cash Basha and they range between $20 and $300

Where can I find Ella's organic products?

so that same exact brand might be hard to stumble upon in Amman, but you can buy baby organic food from @Green Shop Organic Food @Juthour or from @Miles. If you really want that specific brand you can find it on @Cash Basha and the prices range from $9 to $36.

Where can I buy a good laptop, MacBook?

You can order it online through @Cash Basha but most probably you will pay customs

Where can I find Novation Launchpad Ableton Live Controller with 64 RGB Backlit Pads?

@Cash Basha it costs 150 JD, I don't think you will be able to find it here so just order it online

Where can I buy "Cookie Monster" themed party supplies?

I've been searching for the same, and have literally been to most of the party places in Amman and still couldn't find any. I think you should do what I did, I just ordered everything I needed through @Cash Basha

Where can I get Issey Miyake perfume for men (Abu Shaqra doesn't have it)?

Check out @al bakri perfume in downtown if you don't find it there you can always order online with @Cash Basha
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