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Cash Basha

Cash Basha


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Where can I buy a big unicorn pillow cover for kids (obviously)?

You're looking for something very specific, you can check out @IKEA or @The One and see if it's available. The better option is to find exactly what you're looking for using @Cash Basha . The pillows are available and range from $2 to $15 max.

Where can I find a horse mask?

you can get it off @Cash Basha but there's also an online store in amman that sells it https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=576172459181998&story_fbid=629219293877314 and the mask is for 15 JD, they offer delivery as well

Where can I find Zan Headgear full face ski masks?

Unfortunately there was some brands in Champions, but they ran out. You can buy them from @Cash Basha they prices start from $10

Where can I find lighting boots for kids?

The trend isn't as popular as it used to be a year ago so the places selling them aren't in abundance, last I checked @Blend It , @EXXAB , and some shops in @Avenue Mall had them. To save some time you can call these places and see if they have them, as for the mall get some ice cream and take a stroll you're bound to find something you'll like if not exactly what you want. Worst case scenario you can always use @Cash Basha to order them through amazon or ebay. Goodluck!

Where can I find the XIM4?

use @Cash Basha to order it from amazon, they deliver it to your doorstop and you pay in cash.

Where can I buy white colored contact lenses?

I tried looking for them before and they're nearly impossible to find in Amman. I ordered mine from amazon using @Cash Basha

Where can I find a Sony mdr-zx220bt headset ear cushions, mine started tearing after 1 week of use so I want quality replacement and how much would they cost?

@Virgin Megastore have ear cushions for headphones, not sure about quality though, your best best is to order originals from amazon or ebay using @Cash Basha . They cost between $10 - $15.

Where can I find online clothes shopping website where I can pay when delivered?

@Cash Basha they rediret you to amazon or ebay and you can shop for clothes there.

Where can I find Bape x NMD?

if you cant find them in @Adidas Amman you might be able to order them online using @Cash Basha
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