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254 Fans
Buffalo Wings & Rings

Buffalo Wings & Rings


Saed Abdo Shamout St. Across from Fitness First Gym - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Fri - Sat
5:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I eat the best spicy food?

@Buffalo Wings & Rings Nothing is as spicy as their one million sauce.

Where can I go on a road trip adventure?

my friends and I drive to dead sea when we're bored. We chill by the sea for a bit and then hit up @Buffalo Wings & Rings for a drink or @Rovers Return to drink and eat

Where can I eat the best tacos?

@Buffalo Wings & Rings released a new menu that has Tacos and burritos

Where can I find a place where teens could chill?

my friends and I hang out at @Buffalo Wings & Rings or if you want some fun things to do you should try @Escape The Room

Where can I find bars open during Ramadan?

@Murphy's Pub - House of Rock and @Buffalo Wings & Rings upstairs only of course

Where can I find a place for teens to hangout?

I saw lots of teenagers hanging out in Abdoun, near @Buffalo Wings & Rings or @U.S. Eagle Sports Restaurant
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