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90 Fans


4.75 Stars - 29 Votes


Abdullah Ben Masoud St. Near Gadara Travel & Tourism - Shmeisani



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Sunday
Mon -Thu
6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Fri - Sat
2:00 p.m - 11:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I eat?

@Little Italy Pizzeria is amazing and @Brisket if you’re into meat and steak

Where can I eat good beef ribs/ steak?

@Brisket Smoked Ribs and Burgers are so yummy, tasty, clean and tender. I really recommend this place. You should try BOB burger - brisket on a burger

Where can I eat a unique burger?

Try the donut ones at @Brisket. They're delicious!

Where can I eat cattlemen joe or brisket burgers?

@Cattleman Joe's and @Brisket here is all their info

Where can I find a 10 kilo turkey?

@Brisket is offering smoked turkey when I called they weren't sure of the sizes yet but you should call them and see
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