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242 Fans


5 Stars - 23 Votes


Omar Bin Al Khattab St., Bldg. 12 - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I hang flyers?

@Books@Cafe too, but they have certain conditions depending on the kind of event. Ask them!

Where can I eat salmon sandwich?

@Books@Cafe in Jabal Amman serves delicious salmon paninis

Where can I do homework and get coffee?

@Books@Cafe is a pretty chill place to study in.

Where can I go for a fun Karaoke night?

@Books@Cafe They have a 5JD cover charge, and I think you get 1 free drink if you sing.

Where can I find a restaurant open in Ramadan in downtown?

@Living Room Loft from 12pm. Or for a closer area to downtown which is Rainbow street, head to @Books@Cafe they are open from 8:30 am

Where can I find good pubs for a birthday gathering?

My friend celebrated her birthday a couple of month ago at @Books@Cafe

Where can I have a nice lunch with a view inside Amman or outside?

@Books@Cafe's terrace still has my favorite view of Amman tbh, and their food is great

Where can I find Bukowski books?

@Books@Cafe usually offer to order any books you want if they don't have them.
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