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242 Fans


5 Stars - 23 Votes


Omar Bin Al Khattab St., Bldg. 12 - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find a good place to study with shisha?

I usually go to @Books@Cafe to study and work while having shisha

Where can I find places that give university student offers?

Last I checked, @Books@Cafe had 50% discounts for university students on certain weekdays.

Where can I find a teen LGBTQ friendly hangout?

There's not really one place in particular but @Books@Cafe is known to be LGBTQ friendly and popular

Where can I find the book about Chanel?

@Books@Cafe if they don't have the book you are looking for they usually offer to order it for you.

Where can I eat dessert as a breakfast in a nice place?

@Books@Cafe is a nice place to go in the morning. They have fruit and chocolate crepes on their breakfast menu.

Where can I find a unique coffee house?

@Books@Cafe You can have your coffee and choose one of their books to read while at it.

Where can I see the best view of sunset?

@Books@Cafe The cafe has two terraces, the one situated on the top floor offers a wider view on Amman and you can also enjoy seeing the whole sky from there.
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