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242 Fans


5 Stars - 23 Votes


Omar Bin Al Khattab St., Bldg. 12 - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find best coffee house?

Are you looking for something quiet? Then check out, @Astrolabe Coffee House , @Jungle Fever Coffee and Tea House , @Books@Cafe

Where can I enjoy a family brunch today?

if you're looking for something traditional, you should try the eggs+OJ+ pancake and toast @Books@Cafe

Where can I find books?

what type of books? You can find it @Books@Cafe or @Virgin Megastore

Where can I find a chill coffee spot?

@Books@Cafe Open windows and lots of light surrounded by books among books among books.Flooded with a vibe of coziness, this corner cafe is perfect for stimulating conversations

Where can I find “Headscarves and hymens” book by Mona ElTahawy?

@Books@Cafe it is out of stock but they can reorder it for you. it will cost you 16 JD

Where can I find lesbian places in Irbid?

Huh!! What a question. I don't think you will find since it's illegal in Jordan. The only place I know that is LGBTQ friendly is in Amman @Books@Cafe but this cafe is under the radar so few people know about it.

Where can I throw a private party?

I know @Books@Cafe offers its indoor lounge for conferences and all sorts of events. They cater too. Give them a call
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