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219 Fans
Blue Fig

Blue Fig

5 Stars - 21 Votes


Prince Hashem Bin Al Hussein St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I have my 16th birthday party?

@Blue Fig is always a good place. It has a lot of room and good decor. The outside terrace area is especially nice

Where can I find places to do birthdays for adults?

It depends what you want to do for your event... If you want something outside, try paintballing @Mountain Breeze Country Club . For some indoor fun you could go bowling or something else @Strikers Entertainment Center . For just plain dinner there are a lot of options!! Maybe @Blue Fig or @Dunia Rooftop Lounge for something fancier

Where can I find the best healthy mixed nuts?

if you're looking for nuts with a twist, try @Blue Fig's candied nuts! Their pecans are delicious.

Where can I find the best restaurant and cafe for women with a good offers and prices?

well the only place that crossed my mind but it's not a cafe, @Blue Fig they have ladies night once a week

Where can I find place to brunch (avocado toast and salmon)?

@Blue Fig they do have avocado toast by itself, but you can order it with salmon

Where can I go for dinner? Would you recommend Whispers or Blue Fig?

if you want something fancy, you should go to @Blue Fig the one located in Abdoun
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