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219 Fans
Blue Fig

Blue Fig

5 Stars - 21 Votes


Prince Hashem Bin Al Hussein St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I have good soup and a meal if I’m sick or have the flu?

@Blue Fig they have a couple of nice soups and light sandwiches. @Seed each day they have different soups and healthy salads and sandwiches

Where can I find a warm and cozy café?

Check out @Blue Fig , it’s really cozy specially at night and in the winter times. The atmosphere has soft lights, flowers on the table, great food and drinks , and relaxing music.

Where can I order decent soup from?

@Blue Fig they have "soup of the day" and they are good soups.

Where can I have poached eggs?

@Blue Fig have avocado toast with poached eggs.

Where can I do fun things and meet new people on Monday night? ?

@Blue Fig It has a huge menu of food and drink, with beers on tap from local breweries and around the world, and the selection of bands it brings is just as impressive.

Where can I eat the most delicious cheesecake?

@Blue Fig Cafe - amazing cheesecake but it's baked.
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