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Al Quds St. - Tlaa Al Ali



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Where can I get a part time job as a student preferably in abdoun or anywhere close?

You can Check with @Aramex in call center department, you can have a part time job with flexible schedule

Where can I buy a kindle?

RE; buy it through @Aramex shop and ship or through @TechTown from https://ebay.to/3hJFzpx or directly from https://ebay.to/3IV6pXy 32gb and waterproof = it should be 108.24 JOD if you order from shop and ship and case https://ebay.to/35DFWiH for 21.4472 JOD as i use shop and ship.

Where can I find a postal shipping scale?

You might be able to find it at the actual shipping stores like @Aramex or you could just shop online @Ubuy Jordan

Where can I recieve an Amazon delivery?

You can shop directly through Amazon but create a shop&ship account through @Aramex to get it delivered to your home address

Where can I find the cheapest shipping service to USA?

@Aramex as far as I know, they are the cheapest but it depends on the weight of the item you're shipping. Can you be more precise about the weight of the item?

Where can I find a shipping company cheaper than aramex?

@Aramex are the the best , you can use Tekram points from orange to save

Where can I find the cheapest way to send an envelope to USA from Jordan?

@Aramex is actually the best, never tried it for envelopes but i sent some packages its affordable

Where can I buy a gift online, I'm out of Jordan?

Order something online and ship it through @Aramex
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