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60 Fans
Arabian Horse Club

Arabian Horse Club

4 Stars


Airport Rd.



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week

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Where can I find horse riding training?

@Arabian Horse Club Specializes in riding lessons and horse care education. Suitable for families and riders of all skill levels.

Where can I find a horse?

@Arabian Horse Club you can take a walk in the stables and pet the horses. There's also a cafe where you can sit and watch the riders on their horses.

Where can I go for individual activities?

You can either go cycling @Cycling club Amman or horse back riding @Arabian Horse Club

Where can I do something fun on Friday from 9am-2pm?

You can go horse backriding @Arabian Horse Club or cycling @Amman Cycling Club

Where can I have fun?

You can go @Xtreme Jordan Paintball or @Arabian Horse Club

Where can I know the prices of group lesson in Arabian horse club?

The private advanced lessons starts from 22 JDs / 45 min, as for the group prices you would have to call them. @Arabian Horse Club

Where can I have a fun time?

you can go horse back riding @Arabian Horse Club if you would like some clean fresh air and animal interaction, or you can go bowling @Avenue Bowling Center where you can also grab a bite to eat

Where can I ride horses for a reasonable price?

@Arabian Horse Club the prices always vary but mostly its affordable
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