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52 Fans
Almond Coffee House

Almond Coffee House

4 Stars


Zaal Abu Tayee St. Behind Faroujna - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

Sat - Thur
7:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find the best bagels?

@Almond Coffee House has this super delicious turkey bagel, you should also try the cream cheese with chives bagel

Where can I find a good breakfast places?

@Almond Coffee House their breakfast is delicious, try their omelette bagel

Where can I go to work in a good place?

@Rumi Cafe @Segafredo @Geisha Coffee @Almond Coffee House check out their places, cozy and quiet

Where can I find a coffee house?

i love @Almond Coffee House if you want to study or work. It is very quiet

Where can I find the best place to grab a cup of coffee?

i love their places and their coffee is really good @Qahwa BLK @Almond Coffee House

Where can I find places to work and have coffee with comfy seats or desks?

@Melange Coffe House in Abdoun, or @Almond Coffee House one in Rabieh and the other in Mecca street, or coffee theater in Dabouq is also nice.
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