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Wasfi Al Tal St. - Gardens



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7 Days a Week: Except Friday
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I find an inexpensive store that sells unique earrings?

@Afghani they have lots of antiques and unique stuff. From accessories to collections and home stuff.

Where can I get an old style envelope with a sealing rope?

@Afghani the one located in Mecca Mall, they don't have an envelope but they do have a vintage thick brown paper wrapper and a rope sealing. Hope it helps;)

Where can I buy a phonograph?

@Afghani only available in Mecca mall or Gardens Street, they have the original big phonograph which is 50-60 JD while the mini ones which are only for decorations, they cost 4.5-9 JD

Where can I buy unique gifts?

check @Hallmark in City mall, @Thierry's Friends & @A Piece Of Africa (location: Taj mall) in Taj style Mall, or @962 jordan or @Jobedu - @Mlabbas finally @Afghani

Where can I find a unique birthday gift (new ideas) for a male?

Have a look at @Afghani they usually have unique gifts that you can buy

Where can I find colored Holy Quran?

@Afghani in Mecca mall they have only coloured covers. They don't have coloured pages.

Where can I find vintage wrought iron garden furniture?

Check out @Afghani in Jabal Lweibdeh, they don't provide the same thing you asked for but they have these awesome vintage mosaic furniture which are way better and long lasting than the iron ones. Hope my tip helps ;)

Where can I find a Hindu temple?

@Afghani they don't have it but you can give them a picture of it and they will print it on thick paper and then put it on a wooden stand. The prices are between 5 -15 JDs depending on the size of the stand.
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