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Wasfi Al Tal St. - Gardens



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I find a place to buy some cool local things for gifting purposes?

try @KORTS @Jobedu and @Mlabbas for funky stuff. If you want things that are a bit sophisticated go to @Afghani

Where can I buy traditional Jordanian handicraft products for reasonable prices?

@Afghani has some good stuff also @Mlabbas has some traditional handicrafts ... You should also go to @SOUK JARA on Friday you'll find some really cool authentic stuff

Where can I find affordable gift shops?

@Afghani they have lots of variety different prices

Where can I go to buy Jordanian handicrafts for gifts?

@Afghani is a good option also if you can go @Downtown lots of shops sell traditional jordanian stuff

Where can I find snowflake silver jewellery?

the best option is that you can ask @Afghani to make it for you they usually design names but they also do other designs based on requests

Where can I buy men's bracelets?

@Afghani ... And there are many shops in the down town
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