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10 Fans

Abdali Hospital


Al-Istethmar St. Abdali Boulevard - Abdali



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
24 Hours a Day

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Where can I find a bereavement counselor?

You can contact @Abdali Hospital , they have a psychology services and they can help

Where can I find a therapist for autism?

@Abdali Hospital A treatment plan can include behavioral interventions, speech therapy, occupational therapy and more. They have the best professional therapists

Where can I find a good and friendly rheumatologist?

@Abdali Hospital ask for Dr. Suzan al Sayed she is a pro and very understanding

Where can I find an endocrinologist doctor that uses Cigna international for insurance medical cover?

@Abdali Hospital covers this type of insurance; you will need to call the hospital to make sure they have a specialist in endocrinologist

Where can I find the best cardiologist?

@Abdali Hospital has the best, you can see the reviews on https://www.abdalihospital.com/cardiovascular-care

Where can I find the best bone specialist?

@Abdali Hospital these doctors are highly professional. Dr. Ghassan Alami · Dr. Haidar Alfuqaha · Dr. Mohammed Armouti · Dr. Suzanne Al Sayed
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