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43 Fans
32º North

32º North

4.75 Stars


Lobby Level, Hyatt Amman Hotel - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I eat raw oysters?

@32º North they have amazing oysters. fresh and you can sit at the bar and have them!

Where can I find a couple friendly space?

I would go with @32º North they have a very nice high end vibe

Where can I find the best selection of poke bowls?

@32º North Salmon Poke Bowl Basmati Rice, Salmon, Cucumber, Tomato, Onion, Chili JD 10.00

Where can I find the best seafood restaurant?

32 North - It's got great seafood but its quite pricey.

Where can I find lobster restaurants?

@32º North but it's seasonal so call and check

Where can I have lobster thermidor?

@32º North used to serve lobster thermidor. Give them a call!

Where can I find a 5 star restaurant?

@32º North it's a 4.5 according to TripAdvisor, but the food, staff, and everything else is quite superb.

Where can I find a good breakfast buffet?

@Shakespeare and Co. and @32º North .. also for a good arabic breakfast you can go to @Shams El Balad Cafe

Where can I eat the best fish ever?

You can go to @32º North if money is not an issue because its a bit pricey

Where can I find an outdoor place to do a small elegant family wedding (30 persons)?

I think the best place for 30 persons is to book a restaurant, check out @Vinaigrette a nice semi outdoor place, you also can check @32º North also @Sky Bliss Terrace are really good options

Where can I find people intrested in arts?

You can always check out art galleries like @Nabad Art Gallery or @32º North a lot of Ammanies have an eye out for the arts ;)
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