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NoorEid's latest tips

Where can I find bed sheets for a good price and a good quality?
I always get mine from @IKEA best quality at the most reasonable prices

Where can I find (cool/ funny) socks and boxers?
You can check out @Virgin Megastore for socks that has drawings on & @American Eagle Outfitters for cool boxers.

Where can I find the best lips filler doctor?
@Dermacare Skin & Laser Clinic offers the best fillers with good prices.

Where can I buy a digital piano for a reasonable price for learning reasons?
You can get it from @Yamaha Music Square (Girhoma) they have different musical instuments and digital pianos.

Where can I find piano tuning kits with a reasonable price?
You can get them from @Feesheh Music Warehouse

Where can I find a place that has cultural exchange programs or volunteering (abroad)?
@AIESEC offers volunteer experiences and internships to more than 42 countries!

Where can I find puzzle exercise mats (like the one for kids) but big sizes and an electric knife?
You can find exercise mats @Olympiad Sporting Goods

Where can I find currency exchange near the First Circle?
You're lucky that most currency exchange places are located near that area; you can go to @Musharbash Exchange in Rainbow, @Al Ghurair Exchange on the 2nd circle or @Munjed Qasrawi Exchange on the 3rd circle.

Where can I buy a trezor cold storage wallet?
You can order it online from them website: https://trezor.io/ you'll guarantee thats its secure and credible

Where can I buy an airbrush?
Check out @Istiklal Library Co. they surely do have air brushes with their colors!

Where can I buy pellets / bullets from my air rifle?
You can find @Cobra For Weapons Ammunition they have a wide collection of weapons and bullets with good prices.

Where can I buy a FALCON 530 Electronic Contact cleaner?
It took me a long time finding it in stores, so I ended up buying it online. But there are a lot of cleaning kits I started using that are of the same high quality. Check out @Smart Buy and @GTS - Glory For Technology Services

Where can I find london themed decorations?
You can try getting themed colors "red, white and blue" decorations from @Party in a Box