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163 Fans
Tempo Dance Academy

Tempo Dance Academy

5 Stars - 5 Votes


5th Circle, Abdul Rahman Alawi St. Next to Whispers Restaurant - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I go to a salsa night?

@Tempo Dance Academy call them to check their scheduled classes.

Where can I rent dancers for a party?

Now I'm not sure where you can rent, but there is this place that teaches ballet, maybe you can inquire from their trainers if they are willing to dance or if they know someone @Tempo Dance Academy

Where can I find the best tango classes?

@Tempo Dance Academy from salsa, Latin, and tango, to ballroom dancing, hip-hop, and street dance.

Where can I find salsa dancing classes?

@Tempo Dance Academy you should contact them before going though, ask about what classes they have

Where can I find the best place to learn dancing?

alot of centers don't mind hijabis, so you join in. Depends on what type of dance you want to learn. you can check out @Tempo Dance Academy they have salsa, hiphop, zumba, sharji and more

Where can I take a certified zumba course?

@Tempo Dance Academy every Saturday 6pm, Monday & Wednesday 7-8 pm
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