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163 Fans
Tempo Dance Academy

Tempo Dance Academy

5 Stars - 5 Votes


5th Circle, Abdul Rahman Alawi St. Next to Whispers Restaurant - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find shuffle dance classes?

Most places don't teach shuffling alone, you can always learn it though as part of a hip hop class. @Tempo Dance Academy are one of the best when it comes to teaching hip hop and other dance types, so contact them for more information.

Where can I do adult ballet or contemporary classes?

@Tempo Dance Academy, @Pulse Dance School and @Stardust Academy have ballet classes :)

Where can I find Latin dance dresses?

I haven't see that anywhere here, but why don't you try calling dancing institutes like @Tempo Dance Academy or @Roberto Dance Academy and see where they get theirs from. You can also order one online through @Cash Basha

Where can I learn belly dancing?

@Tempo Dance Academy is the best place to learn belly dancing, the instructors there are amazing!

Where can I throw my daughter a fun birthday party?

If your daughter is into arts you can throw her a birthday party @She Can Scrapbooking & Hobby Center or @Tempo Dance Academy which is super fun and cool

Where can I learn how to dance salsa?

@Tempo Dance Academy - They are the best dancing academy in town :)

Where can I find bachata nights. Im a bachata dancer and looking for somewhere to go and dance.?

I always go on Fridays to @Tempo Dance Academy they have free Salsa & Bachata night. You can also check out @Trader Vic's if you'd like to have cocktails and food besides dancing.

Where can I learn dabkeh (Jordanian or syrian/lebanese)?

@Tempo Dance Academy Every Sunday and Wednesday at 8:00 pm. And it cost 70 JDs per month
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