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Firas NG

Where can I find a place that sells vinyl records wall art


Amman, Jordan




@Souk Jara - There are a few stands that sell vinyls here. They are limited in their selection though and this only applies during warm weather months since @Souk Jara is an outdoor market. I really hope there are other alternatives out there!

me too. i hope i don't have to wait that long till souk jara re opens. thx for the tip.
Koko didn't that guy on the 2nd circle have a bunch of used arabic records for sale up on some shelf? They'd make for good wall art but good luck trying to catch the place open

Try this small antique gadget shop on the second circle but no guarantees it's ever open!
1 Tipster agrees

i am assuming you don't know what the store is called.. or do you?
Kharoba Elektronika

Taysir Khatib - This is the same guy that sells them in Souk Jara, I met with him a few days ago, he actually also sits in at Kharoba Elektronika for his friend Sami Kharoba. He claims to have thousands of records, I'm not too sure about the quality but here's his number: 0795669685


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