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Where can I find aesthetic outdoor spots for reading or sketching


Amman, Jordan



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@Royal Botanic Garden Located outside the city center, this garden is serene and surrounded by nature. It’s perfect for sketching plants, flowers, and landscapes. The garden is spacious and offers a variety of plants and trees that can inspire both artists and readers.


@Jordan Folklore Museum This garden, located next to the Jordan Museum, is tranquil and beautiful. The green spaces and carefully designed outdoor areas make it a perfect location for reading or sketching. The ambiance is quiet, and you'll find plenty of places to sit and immerse yourself in your creative work.


@Rumi Cafe A cozy and artsy café with an outdoor terrace, perfect for reading or sketching. The relaxed vibe and bohemian atmosphere make it an ideal place to spend a few hours immersed in a book or your sketchpad.


@Amman Citadel The Citadel offers breathtaking views of Amman and is one of the most historical sites in the city. The peaceful outdoor areas around the Citadel, combined with the panoramic views, create a unique setting for reading or sketching while you take in the beauty of the surroundings.


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