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Where can I find Christmas markets that includes food


Dubai, UAE




@McGettigan's which Irish pub favourite McGetts is taking over with a World Cup fanzone alongside its Christmas market, this winter wonderland has market stalls, festive food and activities for kids, including snowball fights and a Santa’s grotto


@Souk Madinat Jumeirah If you want to eat Christmas pie, mince pies, and other foods, go to Madinat Jumeirah, a traditional German market. You can ride in a traditional abra with Santa and admire the massive Christmas tree. If you're wondering about the market's special activities for kids, there's a snow zone, a play area, and a gingerbread house-making station.


@The Walk - JBR with light shows, snowball fights, mini-golf, inflated slides, live music, and appearances by Santa Claus, this market is a must-visit destination if you have children. Oh, and don’t miss out on the wonderful Christmas delicacies as well!


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