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Where can I find clothes for a bargain


Amman, Jordan


I am looking for Really good discounts & possibly used good quality clothes for a cheap price also maybe sources from turkey since i tried their clothes quality and i liked it. I know some Circassians and i heard they have a club or something like that. They sell Used clothes there and for a good price, I don't remember where it was. so something similar to that. I Went to Souq Jummah and i didn't find much in it..... I didn't try Souq Al-sultan in Tla’ Al-Ali so maybe someone can tell me about this one if they tried it. I had a gift of Sportswear from turkey from few years back. It was Nike brand. i had used that for few years. now it needs changing but i think it costed like 20 Euros back then.
I wish that my question is given the best answer possible kindly please and best regards to all


@La Familia is a reasonably priced store. But as for the used good quality and from Turkey; that's impossible to find, most of the used clothes are not Turkey because Turkey clothes are expensive in Jordan.


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