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Carole Yazbik

Where can I find interesting cafes


Dubai, UAE




@Art House Dubai Describing themselves as a place where art meets food, this quaint spot opposite Boxpark will make you fall in love with it instantly. If the food or bright crockery doesn’t grab your attention, the artsy interiors will – picture yourself seated on a colourful chair, at sewing machine styled table with tea cups acting as chandeliers.


@Tania's Teahouse the place is PINK! How awesome is that for pink lovers. And they have these cute names for their dishes. Dishes I would recommend are “The Mermaid Toast” and”Chia Later, Pudding”. Love the innovative names!


@Ailuromania Cat Cafe Calling all cat lovers out there! You get to sit with them, play a little or maybe just watch them take a nap while you get yourself a drink. This place has a fixed entrance fee of AED 30 with a free drink, all other things on the menu are charged extra. Get ready to purr with happiness!


@Culinary Boutique This cooking-school-meets-café in Jumeirah is a quaint spot in which to sample unique coffee combinations, such as its signature lavender-infused cappuccino. After your morning brew, enjoy a cooking tutorial in Culinary Boutique’s state-of-the-art kitchen, which boasts over 100 different classes to choose from and caters to all ages and skill levels.


@Art House Dubai The cafe there has a very artsy interior. Imagine being seated on a colorful chair, at sewing machine styled table with tea cups acting as chandeliers. It's one of the coolest cafes in Dubai.


@Cafe Rider you can check out the latest bike supermodels and watch mechanics work on custom-builds as you sip on your coffee. It's quite a cool place.


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