Dont think they are allowed to be sold in Jordan. But best place to try is down town, or some weapon shops there is one in sweifiyah next to mcdonalds, and one in Rainbow street (near first circle), and another one in downtown (@Al-Hayek street near @Scientific & Medical Supplies Co.
I used to buy BB guns as a kid from Istiklal Library - BB guns are definitely legal or at least they used to be
They used to be legal, but an incident happened once, where a man bought a bb gun from Istiklal Library and went on a public bus and threatened to shoot people, and after investigating with him and found out that he bought it from Istiklal Library they went and took them all (police) and banned importing bb guns into them Kingdom, except if someone is getting them in illegally (Tahreeb). (The story is 100% true and willing to tell you the source of the info, but not here, in a private message may be), but what you can find at Istiklal are Sound Guns only.
wow that is some story. thanks for the insight. it would suck to be a kid in amman today without bb guns