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179 Fans
Wild Jordan Center

Wild Jordan Center

5 Stars


1st Circle, Othman Bin Affan St. - Jabal Amman



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I buy homemade jams?

@The Nature Shop in Wild Jordan Center

Where can I take sewing or fashion design classes?

@Design Institute Amman i heard about a jewelry design workshop that already started. Contact them and tell them what course you're looking for, and they will register your name in advance and let you know once they set it. They currently have no specific location, workshops are held either @Wild Jordan Center or @King Hussein Business Park

Where can I find vegetarian catering?

Oh man these places are great but let me tell you some like super amazing places! Check out @La Bruschetta they have a killer salad bar with over 100 ingredients to pick from. And there is also @Wild Jordan Center they are smoke free & not only do they have veggie options but vegan also (great tofu dishes & egg less pasta) - But if you crave a bit more then go to @Indu Restaurant , i love Indian food! They have some awesome veggie curries with enough naan to leave you satisfied for sure

Where can I find the best view?

@The Cafe , or as they used to call it WildJordan Cafe

Where can I find a good group of cyclers to have a trip with?

@Wild Jordan Center is also organizing biking tours to Azraq Village (March 17th, 24th, 31st) Join their mailing list to get their regular newsletter. http://goo.gl/uCx3I

Where can I find indoor non-smoking places?

@Wild Jordan Center - The Cafe there is strictly non-smoking, super view and a lot of healthy food choices.
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