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49 Fans
Total Gas Station

Total Gas Station

4.5 Stars - 4 Votes


Arar St. - Wadi Saqra



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week
24 Hours a day

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Where can I get an oil change at a reputable place?

the best place is @Total Gas Station .. they have types of oil that are a lil bit more expensive but serves u up to 7000 km

Where can I find a reliable place to replace and rotate my car tires?

actually 7.500 jod's is too much ,,u can do it @Total Gas Station anywhere for a fracture of that price ..

Where can I fix my car wheel?

@Total Gas Station they have car care department in every service station

Where can I get octane booster for a reasonable price?

Gas stations usually have them, for example (any) @Total Gas Station , I think I bought it for 5.00 JDs if I remember correctlu.

Where can I find the best gas station?

Always try to fill your car from new gas stations cause its tanks still new and clean. for me am always filling my car from @Total Gas Station Gas Station
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